Importance of Attendance
Attendance is linked to both student wellbeing and to attainment. Student wellbeing is a key priority of the education system. Our education insights studies confirm that attending school regularly predicts the best outcomes for wellbeing on average. The Ministry found that reports by 15-year-old students of skipping a greater number of days in the previous fortnight of school predicted worse average outcomes relating to schoolwork-related anxiety, sense of belonging, bullying, racism and motivation, Attendance is also linked to student attainment in secondary students. Recent research4 shows that each additional half day absence from school predicts a consistent reduction in the number of NCEA credits a student subsequently attains – whether that is the student moving from 100% to 99% attendance or moving from 71% to 70% attendance. Students who are absent even 5-10% of the time (still considered “regular” attendance) obtain fewer NCEA credits than those with slightly higher attendance. There is no “safe” level of non-attendance.
You can report an absence to our school office using the form below to send an email to the following address: [email protected].